Michael Grecco
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Posted by Michael Grecco
Wow, it’s mid Summer already. It’s been a packed Spring and Summer.
Did you know “May is International Professional Photographers Month”? Photography is such a part of our lives that we can take it for granted but that’s not happening at the International Photographic Council (ICP), a non-governmental organization (NGO) of the United Nations. They presented eight IPC Professional Photographer Leadership Awards during the 13th Annual IPC Pro Award Luncheon, at the United Nations in New York City. I was honored to receive this esteemed award that recognizes and celebrates photographers as artists, leaders and powerful influencers.

Receiving the IPC Professional Photographer Leadership Awards at the United Nation.

My cool United Nations hardware.
May 20th was my birthday. My kids and I celebrated with dinner. Sometimes the best present is just chillin’ with them, ya know what I mean? Birthday’s are really our own individual “New Year’s” and I take time to think about what worked well and what might work better. Being a photographic artist continues to move me as an artist and influence my journey. I am collaborating with performance artist Tiffany Trenda on a project entitled “Loss.” We are exploring the idea of loss of wholeness in the female body when an amputation or disfigurement of any kind has occurred and our response to that change: our judgments, fears, acceptance and integration. What’s your response? Click and share your comments if you dare!

My collaboration with performance artist Tiffany Trenda on a project entitled “Loss.”

We are exploring the idea of loss of wholeness in the female body when an amputation or disfigurement of any kind has occurred and our response to that change.
In June, we were thrilled to shoot Casio’s hottest new calculator. Danica McKellar anchored the day with her brains, beauty, professionalism and sizzle. Pairing Casio calculators and Danica McKellar may be the best thing to happen to math since Pythagoras! Danica has four books published by Penguin books, Math Doesn’t Suck (2007), Kiss My Math (2008) and Hot X: Algebra Exposed (2010) are all New York Times bestsellers. Her fourth book, Girls Get Curves: Geometry Takes Shape (2012), hits the shelves this August. Math has never been so cool and fun.
July we were jamming with Jane Lynch on a shoot for National College Finance Center. NCFC is all about paying for college. Hhmmm, Casio & Danica, NCFC & Jane, looks like we’ve got a theme going on. I’m all about empowering our kids with education and the tools they need to rock.
Well, thanks for stopping by and checking out what we’re up to. If you have questions or want to know about a project in particular, write in and let me know.
I’m off on my Vespa to scope out what’s happening in Venice, California that is.