Michael Grecco
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Posted by Michael Grecco

As creatives, most of us love what we do. We love the small jobs, the medium jobs, but we especially love the really big jobs. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll do a smaller job any day of the week, but a high-profile, high production shoot really gets me going.
This is the case with being asked to shoot Will Smith for the cover of Sports Illustrated for the movie Concussion. I was tasked with getting several variations for a cover as well as a potential inside photograph. To do this we created several sets: a white set, a dark gray set and then varied the lighting with Indo sets. The trick on a shoot like this is not just the technical expectations, but the more important task is keeping everyone happy and creating a great atmosphere on set. I had worked with Will before and know what a pleasure he is to shoot. Once again, he didn’t disappoint.
The images and experience went well enough for everyone that Brad Smith, then Director of Photography of Sports Illustrated said with a smile that he wanted to be my agent.
Well Brad, I also have a new agent. I’d love to announce my partnership with Clare O’Dea of the Clare Agency. Love to hear your feedback on the images and would love to create something meaningful for you soon. – Michael

Behind the Shoot: Will Smith’s ‘Concussion’ Cover Shoot