Preserving the Past: Photography in Museums and Archives

Photography in museums and archives is a unique medium for preserving the past. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, animation, virtual reality, and augmented reality each have their place in depicting and preserving the past in museums and archives. Photography is a unique depiction of moments in time.

Photography as an art and documentary medium earned its place in museums and archival records in the first quarter of the 1800s. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a scientist in soul, is credited with producing the oldest surviving photograph from a camera. It has been anointed with the title, View from the Window at Le Gras. It is a heliographic image which is discussed in a short essay The First Photograph by Barbara Brown, Head of Photograph Conservation, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin.

View from the Window at Le Gras (photo credit: NBC News/ Barbara Brown)

The Challenges of Preserving Photographs, the Windows to the Past

The Window at Le Gras is a window to the past that challenges the present and future to create a solution for preserving photographs. Bob Dylan said, “inside the museum, infinity goes on trial.” Preserving the exhibitions for infinity is challenging. At barely 200 years old, the photograph is a relatively new addition to museums and historical archives that presents unique preservation challenges.

Museums and archives face similar challenges in preserving their collections and exhibition items. Light, time, temperature, humidity, catastrophic events, and accidents are the enemies of art, artifacts, documents, and photographs.

Protecting Photographs and Their Negatives

Museums and archives continue to add massive amounts of photographs to their collections. It requires a plan and continued funding for preservation, storage, and display. Photographs, like all art, need to be protected for infinity from the ravages of time, temperature, humidity, and dangers. The process of creating a photograph is inherently fragile. The negative from which it was printed, and the paper on which it’s printed are all susceptible to the elements and time.

The age of microfilm was seen as a solution for storage until it became clear that it too was susceptible to the damages of time and temperature. As each new storage solution comes online, museums, archive boards, and curators must have a plan to transfer photograph collections to the latest storage techniques so that infinity may judge the past, present, and future art of photographs.

Storing digital files in the Cloud is seen as a solution. Like storage innovations of the past, the Cloud will reveal its flaws. Corrupted files and damaged hardware are just two things that can go wrong with storing photographs in the cloud. Redundant copies of digital collections secured at multiple sites may be a practical solution.

 Photographers as Curators

Photographers should plan to preserve their work in the digital age with redundancy at multiple cloud storage enterprises around the world. Living photographers are the ultimate curator of their work even when showing or placing their photographs in the care of museums and archives.

Days of Punk exhibition at the Leica Gallery in Los Angeles

Michael Grecco curated and made preservation contingency plans for his muti-media show featuring work from his “Days of Punk” period. The show was at the Centro Cultural de Cascais, in Cascais, Portugal from October 15, 2023 to January 28, 2024. It was produced by the D. Luís I Foundation, with the collaboration of the Cascais City Council.

Michael Grecco signing his autograph during the Days of Punk opening night at the Cultural Centre de Cascais

This exhibit was made possible because of the care that Michael Grecco took to preserve his past as a photographer with intimate access over fifty years ago during the early days of the international punk era. The Days of Punk exhibit at Centro Cultural de Cascais featured over 100 high-quality prints from the thousands that Michael Grecco shot and carefully preserved for infinity and summarized in this short video.

Exploring Photographic Genres

Photography is a general term that describes genres of distinctive styles, techniques, and finished products. Exploring photographic genres includes taking a dive into documentary, art, fashion, commercial, historical, and personal snaps of the shutter.

The result of every photographic genre is unique in purpose, form, and result. The principal fundamentals of photography are necessary for effective photography whether it is a personal social media post or an iconic image.

A Dive into Photographic Style and Technique

Michael Grecco has decades of study and performance across a diversity of photographic genres. As a news photographer, Mr. Grecco became practiced in a fundamental understanding of the essentials of darkness and light. Along the way, he became intrinsically aware of the importance of focus framing and using depth of field.

In the iconic color photograph of Quentin Tarantino at the Hollywood Grill in 1995 essential photographic style and techniques are clear. The fundamental use of shadows and light, combined with framing, focus, foreground, and background are features of this photograph along with a personal style and technique that Michael has developed and perfected over the decades.

Quentin Tarantino at the Hollywood Grill, 1995 photographed by Michael Grecco.

In his book Lighting and the Dramatic Portrait: The Art of Celebrity and Editorial Photography, Michael Grecco shares the style and technique of his art. In this tome, Michael goes into the details of turning portraits into photographic art.

He also explains the use of essentials for the hobbyist as well as the professional photographer. He touches on how the use of, exposure, shutter speed, depth of field, focal length, sharpness, camera settings, composition, and editing affect the interplay of light and shadow of a photograph.

His lessons are clear in another iconic image that he snapped in 2006, Martin Scorsese Poses on a Roof.


Martin Scorsese photographed by Michael Grecco.

Crossing Genres into Art

The photos of Martin Scorsese or Quentin Tarantino can be pigeonholed as “portraits.” Michael Grecco has moved the art of photography beyond the traditionally defined with an experienced professionalism driven by an innate inquisitiveness and experimental personality that crosses genres into the realm of art.

Each of the photographs tells multiple stories that cross photographic genres: art, fashion, commercial photography, etc. They are documentary photographs that capture historic moments from the lenses of Michael Grecco’s cameras.

The Genres of Michael Grecco Photography

Sports, music, fashion, portraits, documentaries, and commercials are often cited as distinctive genres of photography. Over the last half-century, Michael Grecco has studied, practiced, explored, photographed, and produced iconic images that span every genre of photography.

He has not been to space to conquer celestial photography, but that may come. In black and white or in color Mr. Grecco is a perpetual student and pioneer of the craft, art, and science of photography in all its forms.

Celebrity Portraiture: Capturing Iconic Moments

Michael Grecco is a perpetual student and recognized expert in celebrity portraitures with an uncanny eye for capturing iconic moments. His three-plus decades of learning and mastering the techniques and innovations of photography give him an uncanny ability to capture the essence of moments.

A portrait is defined as an image of a person or group of people while a portraiture is the art of making portraits. The digital age has an insatiable desire for images, and visuals fulfilled by a camera in every hand. These portraits fill the desire for social media, separate and apart from the art of photography.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Terri Nunn

Berlin’s Lead Singer Terri Nunn photographed by Michael Grecco.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments 2- Maya and Nandy McClean

Twins Australian Singer / Songwriters Maya and Nandy McClean photographed by Michael Grecco.

The Essence

Throughout his thirty-plus-year career as a photographer, Michael Grecco has developed a unique style and discerning eye that has captured iconic moments in history. The art of Michael Grecco relies on his ability to see and capture the essence in his celebrity portraitures.

As a photographer who began as a photojournalist, Michael Grecco appreciates and explores the techniques of capturing essence beyond the physical. These include the use of light, framing, focus, depth of field, aperture speed, and innovations in equipment. He is recognized in photography as an expert in lighting which combines his understanding of the technical as well as artistic.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Will Smith

Grammy Award Winner American Actor and Rapper Will Smith photographed by Michael Grecco.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Jane Monheit

American Jazz Vocalist Jane Monheit photographed by Michael Grecco.

The celebrity portraiture delivered from the photography equipment of Michael Grecco captures the spirit, charisma, and allure of the subject that goes beyond the physical into the realm of essence.

The Portraiture Personality

Leonardo da Vinci was captivated by the interplay between light and darkness in his work. The Renaissance technique known as chiaroscuro was pivotal in art. It did not disappear with the Masters of the Renaissance, it evolved as a technique and crossed over to sculpting, photography, cinematography, (Fellini as an example) and even set designs for opera and theater.

Michael Grecco began his life journey of exploring the interplay between light and darkness in his photography at an early age. Like da Vinci, and Fellini, his intrigue with using chiaroscuro continues to this day. The interplay between the dark and light is fundamental in the celebrity portraiture personality art of Michael Grecco.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Steven Spielberg

Academy Award Winner American Director Steven Spielberg photographed by Michael Grecco.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Kelly Hu

Chinese-American Actress Kelly Hu photographed by Michael Grecco.

Mr. Grecco has photographed Hollywood legends, music moguls, athletes, models, and a who is who of entertainment industry personalities. Each photograph sets Mr. Grecco apart with his ability to delve deep into the psyche of his subjects, revealing layers of personality. He transcends the superficial glitz and glamour often associated with celebrity photography. Using all the photographic tools in his arsenal, Mr. Grecco aims for a portraiture that encapsulates personality, essence, spirit, and charisma.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Will Ferrell

Comic Will Ferrell photographed by Michael Grecco.

Celebrity Portraiture Capturing Iconic Moments- Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson

Comedians Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson photographed by Michael Grecco.

The Reality of Fortune and Fame

Mr. Grecco has set himself apart in the world of photography by continually learning and applying new techniques, innovations, and advancements in technology to his craft. After more than three decades he continues to approach each photograph with dedicated enthusiasm. Photography is not just Michael Grecco’s career, it is his life. In a Michael Grecco celebrity portraiture, the viewer is offered a glimpse of the heart, soul, essence, personality, and humanity of the rich and famous.

Photography’s Influence on Modern Advertising: Beyond Just an Image

Photography’s influence on modern advertising goes beyond a moment in time. Beyond just an image, a photograph has the power to tell a story, create a brand, capture a feeling, create desire, and influence the viewer. The photographer is the Influencer of the digital advertising age.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- Porsche Master Mechanic Charley Folkes

Porsche Master Mechanic Charley Folkes photographed by Michael Grecco.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- New American Gothic

New American Gothic photographed by Michael Grecco.

The “Golden Age” of advertising is defined as the decades from the 1950s through the 1980s, however its power, and influence, did not end when the year turned 1990. Advertising continued to evolve. Those that are familiar with the American Television series “Mad Men” where treated to a “behind the scenes look at the boom time of the ad men.

In New York City, the glamour of the ad agencies and the people behind the ideas became a culture onto itself that was mimicked in every city and town across the USA and throughout the world. It began as the era of the grey flannel suit, the two-martini lunch and advertising men pushing businesspeople out of the spotlight in financial news. This gave way to the decadence of a counterculture that revolutionized society and all forms of art including photography. The process continues.

Photography Advertisers the Advertising

The lead character in Mad Men, Don Draper was a composite of the people who glamorized the sales pitch. The army of ad execs who inhabited Madison Ave and similar districts around the world took the ordinary and turned them into the extraordinary that people did not need but were made to want by advertising.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- Andre Da Silva

Actor Andre Da Silva photographed by Michael Grecco.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- Young Hippy Hula Hoop Dancer

Young Hippy Hula Hoop Dancer photographed by Michael Grecco.

Beyond the ad script and pitch, the ad men of the 1950s through the 1980s relied on the images that were the prime focus of the ad. For this they relied on photographers who were also evolving in their storytelling power.

The Story as a Picture

“Every picture tells a story”, and “A story is worth a thousand words.,” are cliches that drip truth. Photography’s influence on modern advertising goes beyond image to the photographer’s gift to create and tell a story in moments captured in time. Michael Grecco has developed and refined the gift of storytelling through photography by embracing its evolution.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising Arcona Skin Care CEO Jenae Chanel

Arcona Skin Care CEO Jenae Chanel photographed by Michael Grecco.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- The “Soap” Twins

The “Soap” Twins, Cape Town, South Africa photographed by Michael Grecco.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- Happy Acura Car Owner Campaign

Happy Acura Car Owner Campaign photographed by Michael Grecco.

Michael Grecco learned the craft of photography by rising through the ranks as a photojournalist telling a story with each click of the shutter. Newspapers and magazines were the beginning of turning the craft of photography into a lifetime pursuit of the art of photography for Mr. Grecco.

Photo to Art, Art to Photo

From his early days of selling photos of news events to the Associated Press (AP) Michael Grecco became captivated with the nuances of lighting, framing and storytelling. Every photo he shot was a captured moment and an experiment in photographic excellence.

Photography’s Influence in Modern Advertising- Mindfulness

Mindfulness photographed by Michael Grecco.

In the late 1960s Andy Warhol grabbed the golden ring of fame for turning the art of still photographs into art. Today, Michael Grecco, a Photographic Influencer in the heart and soul of the digital age is melding his photographs to tell stories, create desire, influence, and push the boundaries of commercial advertising as art. Michael Grecco is redefining the focus of photo to art and art to photo.

Breaking the Mold: Creative Experimentation in Professional Photography

Photography has been a passion for Michael Grecco since the age of twelve, and this passion grew as he started doing creative experimentation in professional photography later on. He turned his first 35mm camera into a lifelong passion for creative experimentation of photographic techniques and innovations. Less than a decade after receiving his first camera Michael Grecco became a “stringer”, a freelance photographer for Associated Press (AP). Stringers were only paid for the photos that the AP considered good enough for publication. It was the ultimate test of shooting photographs that were a cut above the rest.

Poet Barry Yourgrau photographed by Michael Grecco.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, cast of the X-Files cross-processed photographed by Michael Grecco.

In photography, it sharpened the lens for the pursuit of excellence. It meant breaking from traditional framing and lighting and developing innovative techniques that would be noticed above the dozens of other stringers who were turning in photos. During these early days, Michael Grecco experimented with lighting, framing, and unique angles when shooting photographs. His style was noticed, and he moved up the ladder. He was hired as a staff photographer at a Boston newspaper, rock magazine, and radio station.

Lighting, Lenses, Developing and Framing

Each new career opportunity enabled him to creatively experiment with different lighting techniques, new lenses, innovations in processing and film. Michael Grecco was breaking the mold with each advancement as a professional photographer. From capturing news events to documenting the early days of punk, each adventure in lighting techniques, advancements in equipment, developing techniques and framing the shot was the creative experimentation in professional photography that would set the next challenge.

Musician Al Jourgensen of Ministry photographed in Austin Texas by Michael Grecco.

Image shot for and at Smashbox Studios photographed by Michael Grecco.

Today in the world of photography Michael Grecco proudly wears the moniker “Master of Lighting”. Throughout his long storied career Michael Grecco has combined an experimental approach to perfecting the technology of professional photography. His personal artistic vision leads him to explore all the genres and applications of his passion of professional photography.

From news to pizza ads starring iconic country stars, Michael Grecco is equally at home photographing, high fashion, action sports, advertising and the depths and nuances of life and the universe. He embraces the challenges of creative experimentation in new technology, lighting, lenses, camera equipment, framing and presentation and whatever technology will offer next.

Al Jourgensen of the band Ministry photographed by Michael Grecco.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson of the X-Files photographed by Michael Grecco.

The Photographic Signature of Michael Grecco

Michael Grecco continues to challenge himself and his vision to experiment with all the tools that a professional photographer can use in the era of technological advancement. Using a drone, computer, telescope, satellite, or old-fashioned box camera are all part of the photographic signature of the creative experimentation in professional photography by Micheal Grecco.

Guitarist Al Jourgensen of Ministry photographed by Michael Grecco.

Mr. Grecco sees no limits to the boundaries that have opened in the art of photography by technology. VR, AR, and AI are all challenges in breaking the mold by using creative experimentation in professional photography. Michael Grecco looks forward to embracing them all and integrating them into the art of creative experimentation in professional photography.